22 July 2005

Scattered musings: biking Georgetown edition

A few things occurred to me on my morning commute today. I was riding along M Street in Georgetown and I passed the Pottery Barn. I thought about how that place used to be an independent grocery store or a co-op back in the early 90's. Of course, then Georgetown used to have a lot of independent stores, from Orpheus Records -- which is now in Arlington -- to the Key Theater -- which is now the site of Restoration Hardware. All those theaters are gone -- Biograph, Key, the Foundry (where you could see second run and independent film for $2) -- replaced by a corporate megaplex showing only mainstream releases. The only record store that hangs on is Smash, and they've done it mainly by turning into a boutique -- I remember about 1995 Smash started expanding their clothing and accessories until it seemed more a punk haberdasher that also sold music than a "music store." Still I bought my hair dye there back in the day.

Then I saw this man, probably in his mid-20's, with one thing in his hand: the new Harry Potter book. Now I'm not knocking Harry Potter or Harry Potter fans, but I think it would be interesting to see what percentage of adult Harry Potter fans also show up in the child molester registry.

I'm looking forward to that Trader Joe's that'll be going in where the old Columbia Hospital for Women was. Construction is really moving along and I'm sure it'll be another batch of what's billed as "luxury condos" with retail on the lower levels. It'd be nice if those builders had to do some truth in advertising: "shoddy construction with unfinished hvac installations."

In the meantime, someone has been impersonating me on the cpmc site. I have no idea why, but I'm sure I have many enemies, given my prominent position in the blogosphere. Everyone wants to take out the top dog...


Patrick J. Fitzgerald said...

A good offense is the best defense...you perv!

Perdita said...

I know a lot of people who read Harry Potter.

I read all there was a few years back...while working in a grade school (thought I should know what the "kids" were into these days).

Now you make me rethink joining the club of adults who are still picking the things up.
At lease with the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe series I could say "It's C. S. Lewis. He is NOT a childrens writer"

cs said...

I'm not trying to cast aspersions on all adult HP fans -- I have several friends who have read every book -- I'm just wondering if it also attracts a good percentage of pedophiles. There's always the question of Lewis Carroll and "Alice in Wonderland" after all.

Anonymous said...

"I have no idea why, but I'm sure I have many enemies, given my prominent position in the blogosphere. Everyone wants to take out the top dog..."

only time i've laughed reading your page

Kristiana said...

Impersonating you by doing what? Are they leaving nasty comments in your name? What up top dog?

cs said...

At first it was just an obnoxious posting under my name, but then the person started linking porn pics up to my name on a local dc blog...

Anonymous said...
