05 May 2006

Scattered around here there might be something to keep.

It's Friday. So many dumb things I could write about.

How about the baseball star's girlfriend who got robbed after cashing $10,000 worth of the player's paycheck at a check cashing joint? You're a baseball star and you can't figure out how to have your people set up direct deposit? Moreover, you go and use a check cashing joint? I want to open up one of those places just so I can cater to overpaid athletes who will give me a good chunk of their money to provide basic banking services. The best part about the story is that she already had $2,000 in her purse; I guess she needed the extra 10 grand in case the tab ran a bit high high high. If you know what I mean.

Then you have another generation of Kennedys following in the fine family tradition of car wrecks. He blames his medication, evidently prescribed to him by Doctor Johnny Walker, for causing him to crash into a security barrier near the Capitol. He claims he was taking phenergen and ambien, so let's say we buy his story: OK, so you weren't driving drunk, but then do you think it shows any better judgement that you're doing driving a car after taking ambien you friggin moron?

Or I could talk about the play I saw last night, The Persians, at the Shakespeare Theatre. A lot of people don't know Shakespeare wrote The Persians, but -- OK he didn't, it was Aeschylus. Anyway, it's a powerful and short play that as always the Shakespeare Theatre has made resonate with today's events. To have the ancient Emory Battis intone at the play's beginning that this work was "the oldest surviving literature in the Western tradition" gave both a quick delight at the congruency between speaker and words, but also -- once the play had ended -- a realization that we really haven't learned a whole lot over the past few thousand years.


Anonymous said...

Baseball, co-cayne, 24 year old babes, Kennedy driving gene, ambien, phenergan and Shakespeare -throw in some hot dogs, apple pie and beer and you have the makings of a wild and crazy night...Sign me up! ;P

cs said...

Good to hear from you again, catciao. Let's hope we continue to hear indictments ringing down around 1600 PA.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Walker is my physician also. The medication he prescribes often results in a severe headache in the morning.

m.a. said...

I want a 10,000 paycheck. How do I get one of those? Without playing profession, sports, being a crack dealer or prostitute of course.