I remember when Scream was stolen along with another Munch painting, Madonna. I thought to myself what an icon the world has lost in Munch's Scream (although of course it lives on in inflatable punching bag mode). Now they've been recovered.
Valentino said Henderson has resigned his Knights Party membership and apologized to the State Patrol commander, Col. Bryan Tuma. The attorney also said Bruning and Tuma blew Henderson's membership and activities out of proportion.
"Bob Henderson wasn't running around in a sheet and hood," he said.
Meanwhile, Fenty, who has made improving public education a cornerstone of his campaign, said in February that his 6-year-old twins would be enrolling in public school "next year." But when school starts today, the boys won't be going to West Elementary. Instead, they will be staying in the private Tots Developmental School for at least another year, Fenty recently acknowledged.
Fenty said his February statement was a "miscommunication," adding that "I've always said" the boys will start public school "after they finish the nursery school that they're in." But even some of Fenty's closest allies were surprised when they found out that Tots, which Fenty said costs about $6,000 a year, holds classes through the third grade.
10 John is an idiotAh the good old days. Of course, these days all of those wonderful awful experiences remain, except there are more computers to break and lawsuits to file. I'm looking forward to the year.
20 Goto 10
Amy Kofman: You're very well known in the States for deconstruction. Can you talk a little bit about the origin of that idea?
Derrida: Before responding to this question I want to make a preliminary remark on the completely artificial nature of this situation. I don't know who's going to be watching this, but I want to underline rather than efface our surrounding technical conditions, and not feign a "naturality" which doesn't exist.
I've already in a way started to respond to your question about deconstruction, because one of the gestures of deconstruction is to not naturalize what isn't natural -- to not assume that what is conditioned by history, institutions, or society is natural.
Well my daughter started throwing up dinner around two in the morning
and you know it's not a good sign when you still recognize the
individual items.
So we're home sick today.
The brochure paid for by the Cropp campaign shows the back of a man wearing a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, no visible hair -- Fenty shaves his head -- and a microphone in his hand. "Blind Ambition" reads the text on the cover next to the photo, which resembles the Ward 4 D.C. Council member.
Now granted, Fenty is very light-skinned, but I'm willing to bet Cropp used a white model as a stand-in for Fenty, further playing with DC's racial politics by drawing attention to Fenty's mixed race background. The Post makes the fact that Cropp used a stand-in for Fenty a major issue, but never mentions why her campaign might do so, or how the image used may shape perception far beyond the words accompanying the image.
Hello, hasn't anyone read Barthes' Mythologies? In a town that's around 60% African American, it's worth the effort on Cropp's part to not only cast Fenty as the "white man's candidate," but also to cast him as "the white candidate."
As an interesting side note, a letter to the City Paper last Thursday clearly references the colorism within the African American community and in some white -- or mainstream political -- perceptions of the African American community. Leroy Thorpe, who supports Fenty, writes:
On the other hand, Adrian Fenty is, by American standards, a mulatto, which eases the fear in European-Americans. Fenty’s light skin and advanced degrees are acceptable socially to European-Americans; however, Fenty’s loyalty to his African-American fraternity and his frat brother Sinclair Skinner is incomprehensible to European-Americans who think Fenty should act like those
European-American-accepted house Negroes Clarence Thomas, Condoleezza Rice, and Sen. Barack Obama.
The minister of a church that dismissed a female Sunday School teacher after adopting what it called a literal interpretation of the Bible says a woman can perform any job -- outside of the church.
Most of the time we spent on the beach, though. On Friday our son was complaining he was cold and we couldn't figure out why, although it was windy. Turns out he had a nasty fever and chills.
Poor thing. He fell asleep at the dinner table. Both of the kids had a great time and enjoyed the water very much. Our son got a body board and basically took to it as though he'd used on all his life. Our daughter isn't so big yet, but she enjoyed being held in the water. And rolling in the sand.
And through it all we only visited Thrasher's once.
It has to be said, that up to now, the Frunsberg Division has not been implicated in any major atrocities or war crimes - even though the SS as a whole was classified as a criminal organisation after the war.
As it nears the end of the season along the delmarva peninsula -
basically from Rehoboth on down to Ocean City - the surf shops hold
these things they call midnight madness sales, at which deep discounts
are taken on all summer merchandise; after all, Labor Day more or less
spells the death of the summer torrent of easy dollars rolling in from
the tourists looking to feel "authentic" for their week at the beach.
I usually try to hit these sales, mainly because the clothes I buy will
comprise the bulk of my April through September wardrobe, and because
the last set of swimtrunks - or I mean "boardshorts" - that I bought
were from 2003 and it gets tedious wearing the same pair day in day out.
Oh yeah - and I want to feel "authentic" for my week at the beach.
Anyway, tonight I happened to be in Rehoboth, so I ventured down to
Dewey for East of Maui's sale. I hadn't been in this shop since I was a
kid, and tonight made me realize that I hadn't missed a thing. It is
hands down the worst surf shop I've been in for several years. For
starters, they're more of a kayak store than a surf shop, and once
you've experienced the horrible shorebreak of south Rehoboth and Dewey
Beach, you'll understand why. The two foot waves don't break until they
hit the rocky sand of the shoreline, meaning you can't ride these waves
on anything but a skimboard.
There's absolutely no excuse for a surf shop to exist under such
conditions. Now down by the Indian River inlet you'd have an excuse or
even in Ocean City, where the waves, small though thay may be, at least
have the decency to break a reasonable distance from the shore.
Most of the idiots here in OCMD couldn't ride a wave if the lifeguards
were handing out free SmarTrip cards. And I'm not talking about surfing;
I'm talking about body surfing or using a body board. It's really
On the other hand, it's a good thing we've got a whaling ban in place,
because nothing brings the obesity problem in America out clearer than a
day at the beach, where several visitors resemble well-oiled, if not
well-plucked Butterball turkeys.
No one out there would mistake me for a paragon of fitness, but at least
I don't use up an entire bottle of suntan lotion trying to cover my
surface area.
At critical moments in the past, Israel has indeed shown its value. In 1970 Israeli military moves against Syria saved King Hussein and the moderate pro-American Hashemite monarchy of Jordan. In 1982 American-made Israeli fighters engaged the Syrian air force, shooting down 86 MiGs in one week without a single loss, revealing a shocking Soviet technological backwardness that dealt a major blow to Soviet prestige abroad and self-confidence among its elites at home (including Politburo member Mikhail Gorbachev).
The moderate pro-Western Arabs understand this very clearly. Which is why Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan immediately came out against Hezbollah and privately urged the United States to let Israel take down that organization. They know that Hezbollah is fighting Iran's proxy war not only against Israel but also against them and, more generally, against the United States and the West.