10 January 2009

The first full week of 2009 is about over...

I'm guessing a few resolutions are getting kind of old. That's why I'm still trying to decide what my resolutions should be. I'm contemplating the usual: lose a little weight, do more work, commit myself to a hobby. Maybe my hobby should be reading. Except that's too close to work.

Actually, I'm talking more like trying to learn me some guitar a bit better.

Maybe paint a bit.

I don't know.

At least I didn't go out and buy a thousand dollar exercise machine that I would have to put up on craigslist sometime in late February.


Foilwoman said...

I don't make New Year's Resolutions in the traditional sense (you know, lose weight, eat better, stop drinking, read good books, start running, whatever), but I do start off the year visualizing what I'd like the year to be like. That seems more helpful. I also try to come up with goals one year out, five years out, ten years out, etc., just to be able to check if I'm heading in the right direction.

As for the exercise, just walk or run or bike whereever you're going on whatever vehicle or footpower you've got, without spending money. Guitar is always good -- and it's fun and relaxing. Enjoy the New Year.

cs said...

When the weather turns I may try riding my bike to work a bit, but the main problem there is that I can't work out riding the bike with kid pickup responsibilities anymore...