24 February 2006

The company you keep.

Here's a nice little story for you. The Post is reporting that the American Renaissance journal will be holding a meeting in Herndon. The journal is devoted to reinventing the US as a white nation. They run articles attacking civil rights in general and figures like Rosa Parks in particular, espousing discredited theories about racial intelligence, and "The Myth of Hispanic Family Values." The Post has a few comments from the gentleman who runs the journal:
Immigrants are "changing [white] societies in ways that most white people don't like," said Oakton resident Jared Taylor, the journal's editor.

Mr. Taylor and his journal are part of a group called The New Century Foundation. You might dismiss them as cranks until you realize that their writers are also writers on one of President Bush's favorite newspapers*, the Washington Times. The Times had the intelligence to fire former editor Samuel Francis over his white supremacist views, but they continue to house close associates on their editorial pages. And that Mr. Taylor is a favorite of editors at such staid conservative publications as the National Review (former editor Peter Brimelow to be precise). Current National Review writers aren't exactly running from the group either:
This stuff bears watching. The Far Right may not be your cup of tea; but they're out there, and with intelligent leadership, a tailwind of economic disgruntlement, and the dawning realization among white people in the West that they have, by foolish policies, made themselves into a minority in their own countries, outfits like the BNP might very well become a prominent force in public affairs in the 21st century.

Granted, Mr. Derbyshire rejects the Far Right as racist and scoffs at Mr. Taylor, but the telling words come out between the lines: "the dawning realization among white people in the West that they have, by foolish policies, made themselves into a minority in their own countries." Mr. Derbyshire, I think you may have taken one step too far...pushed a bit, this "realization" requires one to consider that African Americans, many of whom go back further than many whites in this country, aren't actually "American."

As Chuck D says, "These days you can't see who's in cahoots because the KKK's in 3 piece suits."

*Bush has commented favorably on the Rev. Moon's money-losing rag, but I'm not sure if he's able to read it actually.


Jim Macdonald said...

Thanks for writing this. Also, be sure to check out the ongoing protests that the DC Anti-War Network and other groups are taking against this conference this weekend.

Here is a report back from a friend in DAWN:

The weekend long series of Actions by the DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) began yesterday when four members of DAWN went on an information blitz to inform guests of the Dulles Hyatt Hotel just who their money was supporting.
Four members of DAWN went to the Hyatt Dulles Hotel around 3:45 PM Thursday. This weekend, the Hyatt Dulles Hotel is the host of the 2006 American Renaissance Conference. They have hosted the conference a number of times in the past, including the last one in 2004. As has been discussed in previous posts, the American Renaissance is a White Power organization with ties to the KKK and other racist organizations.

When we arrived, a group of six or so of the speakers, who we recognized from the conference website, were sitting in the lobby. Pictures and information about each speaker can be found at www.amren.com/conference/conference06.htm. The speakers are world renowned White Power Activists. Among the ones sitting in the lobby this afternoon were Andrew Fraser, who publicly opposes non-white immigration in Australia, and Dan Roodt, who is one of the leaders of the Pro-Afrikaans Action Group (PRAAG) which publicly denounced the end of Apartheid in South Africa.

After sitting on a sofa in the lounge for a few minutes, fliers were slipped under the doors of all the rooms on the first floor as well as distributed to all the folks in the lobby. Two DAWN activists at this point moved outside to leave flyers on car windshields, while the other two roamed through the lobby and spoke with patrons. Many of the guests we spoke to were horrified at the fact that such a racist conference was being supported by the Hyatt hotel, and said they planned on switching hotels immediately. Once we got flyers to everyone in the lobby, we moved outside and gave flyers to the guests getting on and off of an airport shuttle, as well as to the bus driver and the gentleman who was unloading baggage. Everyone seemed very interested, surprised, and outraged by such behavior by the Hyatt. We are encouraging everyone to contact the local Dulles Hyatt as well as the Corporate Headquarters in Chicago (contact information below) to demand that they never again host this racist, White Power conference.

At this point the first pair of DAWN activists were approached by a number of security guards and informed we were on private property and soliciting was illegal and we had to leave immediately or they would call the police. Not wanting to be banned from the property as we plan on returning tomorrow, we slowly began walking towards the road, while trying to talk to them about White Power and asking them how they felt protecting a White Power organization. The guards collected fliers off of car windshields as they walked by, not knowing at the time that the other two DAWN activists were still out in the back parking lot distributing them there as well.

We gave fliers and had discussions with the drivers of cars coming onto and off of the property for a while before our fellow flyer distributers were discovered and escorted off the property as well. We stopped all cars coming in and out for a while longer until we decided to call it an afternoon and save the rest of our flyers for tomorrow.

DAWN, as well as a number of other groups and individuals, plan to have a large and noisy presence out in front of the Dulles Hyatt Hotel throughout the weekend long conference. The next action begins as conference registration begins, at 5 pm tonight. There will also be a presence throughout the day on Saturday and hopefully on Sunday as well. The Hyatt Dulles Hotel should be embarrassed.

If you can't make it to the Hyatt Dulles Hotel in person, please call the local hotel as well as the corporate offices to tell them that hosting a racist conference is unacceptible and that you will never stay at a Hyatt Hotel (again), unless they agree to stop hosting the American Renaissance Conference.

Hyatt Dulles Hotel Local Number: 703-713-1234.
Hyatt Dulles Hotel Fax Number: 703-713-3410
Hyatt Corporate Headquarters: 312-750-1234 (in Chicago)

Wicketywack said...

I was going to comment with a "wow" or something, but jesus, who the hell does this guy (Jim McDonald) think he is?

Unabashed self-promotion is part of what has set the left back leagues from our enemies. Sheesh. Hey Jim, stop taking yourself so seriously.

m.a. said...

What in the world happened to these people as children?

Jim Macdonald said...

Myself so seriously? You must have me confused with my cousin Ronald.

Anyhow, the actions have been ongoing, including a trip to the Day Laborer Center in Herndon to make sure that no one was harrassing the day laborers.

As for what is setting the left back, I can't say...not sure how you got that from sharing a relevant report of what was actually happening with that situation that was not in the Post.

Wicketywack said...

Sorry Jim. You were right, I was wrong. Cheers.