Other than the Cezanne/Pissarro show (and a small but intriguing exhibition on Gajin Fujita and Pablo Vargas Lugo -- esp. the Fujita stuff), LACMA was LAC-luster. Holy shit, I crack myself up. You realize how spoiled you are in DC for the free access to some incredible art collections. LACMA's permanent collection is either miniscule or hidden largely in storage; their gift shop prices in large part make the National Gallery look like TJ Maxx. Still, I took a few pictures (photos not allowed in exhibitions -- only permanent collections).

I love Lichtenstein. It's too bad DC has very little of his stuff, comparatively speaking.
They had a few works by Rivera, this one being the most impressive. They have it showcased by being at the end of a long hallway that you walk down to enter their Latin American Art galleries.
I didn't know that a Cezanne exhibit was on its way. I may have to come out for that one.
I had dropped off seeing art and am just getting cranked back up again...and enjoying it. I didn't know about this Cezanne either. I'll have to make it a "must." Thanks.
I recently went to see the Hesse exhibit at the Portland Art Museum. It was impressive but I was not impressed. My bell didnt ring, ya know?
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