28 April 2006

The Idiot King...continued.

I realize that the Bush II Presidency is a miserable failure. Yes. I realize the idiot king can do little cut off from his brain, Karl Rove, and his taskmaster, Dick Cheney. Yes. I know that left to his own devices, Bush II would sleep in until noon, watch ESPN classic all day, and rarely change clothes. However, he is President of the United States of America, and as such is expected to come up with things like policy and direction...

Alack and alas.

Bush's response to the rising gas prices has been astoundingly stupid. After starting a war that destabilized the oil market (a war I would submit had as part of its motivation the installation of a US friendly client state in control of great quantities of oil), Bush has really only offered one solution: drilling in ANWR.

However, today, Bush unveiled a whole host of new "ideas" for the energy crisis. One spectacularly late move is that he wants control of fuel economy guidelines for the automobile industry. Hello, can we say too little too late? More interestingly, Bush the Second, former oilman, has rejected the idea that the US impose a "windfall tax" on the record breaking profits that the oil companies are currently enjoying. In fact, Bush went the other way, not only rejecting new taxes, but also requesting even looser rules for the oil companies:
The president also called for Congress to provide "regulatory relief" to oil refiners that would allow them to increase their capacities.

So in typical failed Libertarian free market dreamland, Bush proposes to let the thieves have a few more keys to the castle.

How can he do this? Because the man is a moron. He has a pollyanna belief in the wisdom and beneficence of the corporations. Bush claims to "expect" the oil companies to invest their profits in new technologies and alternative energy:
"My attitude is that the oil companies need to be mindful that the American people expect them to reinvest their cash flows in such a way that it enhances our energy security," Bush said.

Let me give Baby Bush a tip here: the oil companies don't give a shit about our national security, energy or otherwise. All they care about is that they have a market for their oil, and they know that Americans will buy their oil whether George Bush or Kaiser Wilhelm is in the White House. That's why about 7% of Alaska's oil is currently exported to the Asian market now; the oil companies get more money for it. I realize Bush ran his own companies into the ground, but you'd think he'd have a basic grasp of the concept of companies run "for profit."

But Bush is even more brilliant, because he can make a statement that contradicts its own reasoning and never appear to know it. Soon after he evoked his faith in the goodly-hearted oil companies and their citizenship in voluntarily "enhancing our energy security," he then lays partial blame for high gas prices directly at the feet of said oil companies who have refused to modernize or expand their infrastructure:
"One reason there's tight gasoline supplies is we haven't built any new refineries since the 1970s," the president said.

How's that for reinvestment?

Moron. Absolute Moron.

1 comment:

m.a. said...

I don't have much to say except I can't get over the fact that Exxon Mobil made 8.4 billion in profits in the first quarter.