09 May 2006

Like day old bread.

Anyone else have a problem with blogger this morning? Now my post is staler than usual. Anyway, here goes:

I could write about something serious, I suppose, like wacky Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s letter to Bush. Aside from the ludicrous idea that Bush could actually read the letter, Ahmadinejad apparently didn’t have anything to say about his “nukular” program and dusted off a few yawners about Israel and the failure of democracy. Sure democracy as practiced in the US of A has a few creaks (ahem, Abramoff, ahem), but one of the nice things about our democracy is that in two more years a certain idiot will be back in his village in Texas.

However, on a less serious note, there’s more evidence that those wacky kids from Yale actually did steal Geronimo’s skull and a few bones from Fort Sill back in the early 20th century. Nothing like a little grave desecration to cap your education. Then again, secret societies aren’t exactly great institutions for democracy, even if so many of our leaders are culled from their ranks. I suppose at 18 or 22 being tied to a pole and having shit thrown at you or having to kiss a skull seems like a great deal to ensure you have a group of “friends” (more correctly: future networking contacts and immediate posse to back up your assholery), but I never really got excited about those prospects.

I would like to see a day when membership in Skull and Bones and its ilk disqualifies you from serving as President, sort of like being a convicted felon disqualifies you from (legally) buying a handgun.


Tillerman said...

Yup - seems like blogger was MIA for a couple of hours this morning.

I thought ( at least judging by the 2004 election) that membership in Yale's S&B was a necessary qualification to run for president in this democracy.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the day all leaders to be
see a shrink before they are allowed to govern and I mean it with all my heart!

m.a. said...

secret societies creep me out. The Sunday night one doesn't count, of course.