Post has a blockbuster
frontpage story on how humans and chimps may have interbred, and far more recently than was previously suspected (like perhaps 5.4 million years ago). Now this story will probably twist the knickers of so many religious fanatics who already don't like these liberal big city papers and "all those smart-ass folks who think we come descended from monkeys," as Homer Stokes announces in
O Brother, Where Art Thou?. Of course, the
Post didn't originate the study, they only reported on it, but that of course only reveals their bias because they didn't allow a rebuttal story about how the Earth was really created only about 6000 years ago and the fossil record was placed there by Satan and so on.
I'm thinking to myself, what's the big deal? It ought to be obvious that humans and chimps have interbred in the past. After all, some people still exhibit very close physical characteristics of chimpanzees:

And then again, some people are trying very hard to get that interbreeding going again:
The Daily Mirror: Telling like it is since I don't know when.
That's one of the more chimply photographs I've seen of him, and there are a number of them...
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