29 July 2005

Vacation: I'm already there.

So tomorrow I will take leave of DC and head to OC to relax. I am still debating on weather to take the bikes or not. It's kind of a pain in the ass to haul them down there, what with figuring out the goofy trunk contraption (it'd be nice to have a roof rack, but there you go) and always having the apprehension that I'll hit a bump and leave the bikes scattered across Route 50.

Update on my list of things I won't be doing: eating any of that dippin dots, the self-styled "ice cream of the future." Has anyone else ever tried that shit? They now sell it at Nationals games, but I can't figure out why. And everytime I walk past the place on the boardwalk, it's empty. Empty. The stuff is just frozen pellets of nasty syrup. Who buys this stuff at the quantity that keeps them in business, or is it just a front for laundering drug money? I don't get it.

The weather looks like a nice mid-week but crappy weekends.

I'm sorry to disappoint all of my numerous vocal readers, but I probably won't be doing any updating from the OC.


Kristiana said...

what kind of bike you got?

cs said...

Specialized Crossroads...it's a basic bike for getting through the city. I'm basically a commuter biker, and my commute is only about a mile and a half each way, except when I'm taking my son to summer camp -- then it can be longer.

Chef Z said...

You know, I saw a Food Network special on Dippin' Dots and they swear it's real icecream flash-frozen into pellets.
I personally have not yet tried them.

As long as you eat Thrashers and Funnel Cake, I think you'll be fine anyway.
Oh, they got some great fudge shops there too. YUMMY! I can never resist.

Anonymous said...

are you serious?