06 October 2005

If It Ain't Right, Kill It.

There sure has been a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth by conservatives over this whole Harriet Miers Supreme Court nomination. I suppose it's understandable, given that conservative groups couldn't confirm her membership in the KKK, Aryan Nation, Council of Concerned Citizens, or other old-line anti-American hate groups.

At some point you have to wonder what will make these ultra right-wing groups happy. They've already succeeded in gutting industry regulations -- has anyone else out there noticed the exponential increase in fees that banks, credit card companies, etc. charge for services or late fees? -- allowing for increases in all sorts of consumer fraud from Enron to environmental poisoning to predatory lending. That my friends is the free market at work.

Yet somehow these frauds whose great vision of the future is one where the "haves" live in secure gated communities and the "have-nots" either do their bidding or starve to death are integral to the Republican Party. Bush has to send his envoys to kow-tow to the likes of Paul Weyrich and Grover Norquist, two of the most loathsome crypto-fascists around. Norquist of course is famous for his position that he'd like to shrink government "down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub." How sweet. If this man were Michael Moore the people who pine for Berlin circa 1933 would be calling for his head for threatening the overthrow of the US government.

I'm trying to think of a similar scenario in which President Clinton would have run his nominations through a vetting process with the Socialist Workers Party or Greenpeace. For the most part, Democrats run scared from the Left and try not to be seen with them in public, whereas Republicans embrace their Little Government Fascists, even though most of them probably vote or are registered as Libertarian.

Bill Bennett, Trent Lott, and other racists remain prominent figures in Republican leadership; elitists like Norquist, Schlafly, and Weyrich exercise inordinate influence over Party decisions; "family values" proponents such as James Dobson and Pat "The Assassin" Robertson lend advice on everything from dismantling welfare to Supreme Court nominations.

It amazes me every day that these scumbags stay in power.

Tomorrow: my solution to much of our nation's problems.


Cupcakegrrl said...

A cliffhanger! Mass, that's cruel! I'll be up all night, making conjecture after conjecture about your plan.

Suddenly I have an image of Blakeadder saying "I have a plan so cunning-- you could put a tail on it and call it "weasel". "

Looking forward to tomorrow's disclosure. I'll bring pen and paper to sketch notes.

Patrick J. Fitzgerald said...

Assassinate Rupert Murdoch? I was thinking as well and I attribute the decline of CBS Evening News and the rise of FOX News to be at the root of our society's ills.

We be illin!